List of active policies

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Site Policies Site policy All users


In order to access the Digital Academy you must read and agree to the following site policies:

Digital Academy VLE Site Policy

Digital Academy VLE Privacy Policy

Digital Academy VLE Cookies Notice

Digital Academy VLE Third-party Notice

Full policy

Digital Academy Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Site Policy

August 2023

This policy has been created in line with the Trust’s general Privacy Notice,

Purpose of the Site Policy

The purpose of this document is to: 

  • specify user responsibilities;
  • promote the appropriate use of the Trust VLE for the protection of all members of the Trust community. 

The Site Policy applies both within and external to Trust premises. 

Please note that users include ad hoc learners attending short courses at the Trust. 

You can read the full policy by clicking here.

Digital Academy Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Privacy Policy

August 2023

This policy has been created in line with the Trust’s general Privacy Notice,

Purpose of Privacy Policy 

The purpose of this document is to: 

  • provide clear information under the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 about how your data flows between Trust platforms;
  • provide clear, unambiguous information about your personal data.

Our legal basis for processing your data is legitimate Interest – to allow us to manage your educational experience with us.

You can read the full policy by clicking here.

Digital Academy Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Cookies Notice

August 2023

On registration, users must give their consent to the Trust’s processing of their personal data via the VLE and to acknowledge the Trust’s Privacy Notice ( 

In order to use the Trust VLE you must have 'cookies enabled' on your web browser.  Cookies are small file structures used by the Trust DA VLE to 'request' information from the computer which you are using.  This information is then returned to the Trust DA VLE and stored. The information may also be shared with third-parties for plugins we maintain within in Moodle (e.g. Turnitin UK).  

We use this information to help improve the Trust DA VLE services by ensuring that the material and content of the courses match with the users' requirement and to make sure users are not having problems with access. The usage statistics are visible to the Trust DA VLE administrators and may be visible to your course tutors and, where applicable, authorised users from your employer's organisation. 

DA Moodle will set the following cookies:

  • MoodleSession - This cookie provides continuity and maintains your login from page to page. When you log out or close the browser this cookie is destroyed (in your browser and on the server).
  • MOODLEID_ - This cookie records the username you log in as when you visit the site and allows the username field to be automatically filled in the next time you visit.

Digital Academy Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Third-party Notice

August 2023

This policy has been created in line with the Trust’s general Privacy Notice,

Purpose of the Third-party Notice

The purpose of this document is to: 

  • Identify third parties with whom your data may be shared;
  • Provide reassurance that your data is managed and retained by these third-parties in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018. 

Our legal basis and that of our contracted third parties for processing your data is legitimate Interest – to allow us to manage your educational experience with us. 

We maintain SLAs (service level agreements) with all our third-party vendors. All have been reviewed for GDPR compliance.  

You can read the full policy by clicking here.